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Import of agricultural machinery

The following conditions must be met for import of a used agricultural machine to Iceland

  1. A notification of import of a used agricultular machine (agricultural machinery and tools, including horse trailers and other equipment which has been used in agriculture or has been in contact with animals, animal products or animal waste) must be sent to MAST (application portal on at least 20 days before importation (or later if all conditions for import are already fulfilled). Information on the brand name, model, description, and the factory / serial number must be submitted. This information shall be listed on all certificates and other original data regarding the matter. Please note, that you will need and icelandic ID number (kennitala) in order to apply. Digital photos and a copy of desinfection certificate can be submitted at this point or sent by e-mail to at a later date.
  2. All parts, inside and outside, the tyres and wheel equipment, must be washed with hot water under pressure.
  3. All partitions, pillars and other loose parts shall be removed for easy access to facilitate the cleaning of the machine. Wood, rubber, plastic and worn / damaged parts should be removed as far as possible.
  4. All parts of the machine shall be disinfected, outside and inside. Particular emphasis shall be placed on the disinfection of the chassis, axles, tyres and cab, where applicable. Use approved disinfectant.
  5. Digital photographs of the machine, especially places where accumulation of dirt is likely (both inside and outside, and of the chassis) shall be submitted to MAST at the completion of the cleaning/disinfection. Photographs in good resolution of the following must be submitted (this list applies to tractors but can be used as a guide for other kinds of machinery: cab; cab floor; cab floor: underneath floor mat – remove floor mat for cleaning; tyres (photographed from outside); tyres (photographed from inside); wheel equipment; other parts/places where accumulation of dirt is likely
  6. An official veterinary desinfection certificate from the exporting country certifying that the cleaning and disinfection have been carried out shall be sent to MAST (NB! not a phytosanitary certificate).
  7. MAST will issue an import permit if the machine is considered to fulfill the import conditions based on submitted photos and desinfection certificate.
  8. Machinery or equipment shall be transferred to the unloading port and shall not be cleared from customs until the District Veterinarian has confirmed that the washing and disinfection are proved adequate. Otherwise, the machine or equipment is washed and / or disinfected again if the District Veterinarian deems it necessary.
  9. Detailed instructions for the importation of used agricultural machinery in a pdf format can be found here.
  10. An example for a disinfection certificate can be found here.

 Importation requirements for used agricultural machinery is in accordance to regulation 448/2012 on on measures to prevent the introduction of animal diseases and contaminated products to Iceland, with amendments.



Updated 18.02.2025
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